Fertility clinics in Denmark
Clinic Name: Institute for Human reproduction
Address: Fruebjergvej 3
City/Town: Copenhagen
Country: Denmark
Telephone: +45 39179633
Web: http://www.fertilityschool.com
Services and treatments available: Egg donation, Embryo donation, Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Intrauterine insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), Storage of embryos, Storage of eggs, Storage of sperm
Clinic Name: Copenhagen Fertility Center
Address: lygten 2c
City/Town: Copenhagen
Country: Denmark
Telephone: +45 33257000
Web: http://www.copenhagenfertilitycenter.com
Services and treatments available: IUI, IVF, ICSI, Assisted Hatching, Donor Eggs/Embryos, Blastocyst Transfer, Sperm Aspiration, Testicular Biopsy, Vasectomy Reversal, Sperm Freezing, Egg Freezing, Embryo Freezing, Ovarian Tissue Freezing
Clinic Name: Nordica Fertilitetsklinik
Address: Lygten 2c
City/Town: Copenhagen
Country: Denmark
Telephone: +45 3325 7000
Web: http://www.nordica.org/
Services and treatments available: IUI, IVF, ICSI, Assisted Hatching, Donor Eggs/Embryos, Blastocyst Transfer, Sperm Aspiration, Testicular Biopsy, Sperm Freezing, Embryo Freezing, Ovarian Tissue Freezing
Clinic Name: Danish Fertility Clinic
Address: Seedorffs Vaenge 2
City/Town: 2000 Frederiksberg, Copenhagen
Country: Denmark
Telephone: + 45 38 34 90 30
Web: www.danfert.dk
Clinic Name: Trianglen
Address: Lundevangsvej 12
City/Town: 2900 Hellerup
Country: Denmark
Telephone: +45 39 40 70 00
Web: http://www.trianglen.dk/intro.html
Clinic Name: Fertilitetsklinikken IVF
Address: Helsehuset, Hold-an Vej 5, v/ Ballerup Rådhus
City/Town: 2750 Ballerup
Country: Denmark
Telephone: +45 44 97 95 13
Web: http://www.lundstrom.dk/
Clinic Name: Fertilitetsklinikken, Juliane Marie Centret Rigshospitalet
Address: Blegdamsvej 9
City/Town: 2100 Copenhagen
Country: Denmark
Telephone: +45 35 45 49 53
Clinic Name: Jordemoderklinikken Stork
Address: Isafjordsgade 5
City/Town: 2300 Copenhagen
Country: Denmark
Telephone: +45 32 57 33 16
Web: http://www.insemination.nu/
Clinic Name: Maigaard Fertilitetsklinik
Address: Ringgade Centret, Jens Baggesens Vej 88 F
City/Town: 8200 Aarhus N
Country: Denmark
Telephone: +45 86 10 13 88
Web: http://www.maigaard.dk/
Clinic Name: Fertilitetsklinikken Skejby Sygehus
Address: Brædstrupgårdsvej
City/Town: 8200 Aarhus N
Country: Denmark
Telephone: +45 89 49 55 66
Web: http://www.auh.dk/sks/afd/afdy/dk/fert.htm
Clinic Name: Fertilitetsklinikken Odense Universitetshospital
Address: Gynækologisk/obstetrisk afd. D.
City/Town: 5000 Odense C.
Country: Denmark
Telephone: +45 65 41 23 65
Web: http://www.ouh.dk/afsnit.asp?action=view&id=273
Clinic Name: Odense IVF Klinik
Address: Jernbanegade 1, 3.
City/Town: 5000 Odense C
Country: Denmark
Telephone: +45 65 91 44 48