Articles tagged with: Laparoscopy
Artificial insemination, IVF procedure »
There are several aims when monitoring the treatment cycle. These include: checking the development of follicles and lining of the uterus, to adjust the dose of the drugs if necessary and to time the hCG injection. Each patient is different, so the ovarian response varies between patients both in the number of follicles produced and the speed at which they mature. On average, you need to attend the clinic for two or three visits and occasionally more to see how well you have responded to the injection and adjust the …
Featured, Infertility causes, Surgical Infertility »

This term denotes anatomic causes of female infertility that lend themselves to surgical repair. With the ascent of IVF (in-vitro fertilization), fewer indications for surgical infertility exist today than a decade ago. Nevertheless, there are still many occasions where competent surgery can make a difference. Examples are myomectomies (the surgical removal of fibroid tumors from the uterus), ovarian cystectomies (the surgical resection of ovarian cysts), tuboplasticies (the surgical correction of abnormal fallopian tubes) and many other procedures.
Surgical Treatment of Infertility
Infertility can be caused by problems in the pelvic anatomy – …