Articles tagged with: chromosome Y
Artificial insemination, ICSI procedure »
![Is the ICSI Procedure safe ?](,qsrc=,_wp-content,_uploads,_icsi-procedure.gif,aw=150,ah=150,azc=1,aq=100.pagespeed.ic.WBo3WItVTc.png)
Any IVF (in vitro fertilization) treatment procedure carries risks. ICSI (intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection), being a very delicate and difficult IVF procedure, does carry an even higher risk of failure. Normally during an IVF treatment programme the males sperm are subjected to rigorous procedures to establish their maturity and suitability for the procedure. In an ICSI procedure, because the number of viable sperm available can be so low they are not subjected to a rigorous programme of testing. The risk of an abnormal sperm being injected into the ovum is, therefore, …