Articles tagged with: hCG
Artificial insemination, IUI procedure »
Timing is more important for IUI than it is for intercourse. The reason is that, during intercourse, sperm travels through the cervical canal. There are glands and mucous in the cervix that sustains the sperm and acts as a reservoir that releases sperm into the uterus slowly over several days.
During an intrauterine insemination, the sperm are released into the uterus. The sperm do not remain viable for as long a period of time. Consequently, the sperm must be inseminated close to the time of ovulation.
One method to time an IUI …
Artificial insemination, IVF procedure »
There are several aims when monitoring the treatment cycle. These include: checking the development of follicles and lining of the uterus, to adjust the dose of the drugs if necessary and to time the hCG injection. Each patient is different, so the ovarian response varies between patients both in the number of follicles produced and the speed at which they mature. On average, you need to attend the clinic for two or three visits and occasionally more to see how well you have responded to the injection and adjust the …
Artificial insemination, IVF procedure »
A number of different drugs and protocols are used in IVF treatment. Because the treatment is individualized, a couple may find out that their drugs and protocols differ from other couples. This is quite normal. The duration of treatment also varies with the drug regimen and ranges from 2-4 weeks. During the treatment, the patients usually attend the clinic for about 2-4 visits for monitoring.
Some of the commonly used drugs include:
• Clomip
• hene tablets and hCG
• FSH and/or hMG and hCG
• GnRh analogues (agonist or antagonist) and FSH or hMG …